The Jidai Matsuri (Festival of the Ages ) was held on 22nd of October.
The festival held annually on the same date. It is one of Kyoto's renowned three great festivals, with the other two are the Aoi Matsuri, held annually on May 15, and the Gion Matsuri, which is held annually from 17 to July 24.
It is basically a historical costume parade, where people dress up in traditional clothes fromdifferent period.
They close the streets about 4.5km in central part of the city and the parade start from the imperial palace to the Heian Jingu Shrine.
The parade represents 7 different periods. Which are:
-Meiji Restoration period
-Edo period-Azuchi
-Momoyama period
-Yoshino period
-Kamakura period
-Fujiwara period
-Enryaku period
The whole length of the parade reach up to 2km.
These are the photos we took from Oike street.