July 7 th is Tanabata festival which means the star festival.

Some our guests wrote their wishes Tanzaku and hung them on.

There is a myth about Vega and Altair. They loved each other even though, they were separated by Vega's father. They were allowed to meet only once a year on July 7th acrossing the Milky way.
If you want to know more, please check out wikipedia!
We write our wishes the card which is called Tanzaku (the photo below) wisihg on a star and hang it on a bamboo.
Some our guests wrote their wishes Tanzaku and hung them on.
This is the decorated bamboo tree. We decorate it with stars, paper chain, watermelons...
The milky way used to be seen on 7th night years ago. But it is hardly seen now a days because of too many lights and worse environment. I wish I could see it on July 7th.