Matsuri is Japanese word for Festival. This is one of popular summer event for japanese people.
festivals are usually sponsored by a local shrine or temple .
last weekend we had one Matsuri near our hotel this is local festival so It was not big one but there are a lot of matsuri booths selling souvenirs and food such as takoyaki,and games, such as Goldfish scooping.
when I was small I was really excited to go to matsuri because of these booths.
my favorite booths are Goldfish scooping and apple candy!

I went to the Matsuri and tryed Goldfish scooping. I havent done this more than 15years but it was really fun and I could get 5 Goldfish!
I took only 2 Goldfish to home.
During summer season there are many matsuri in japan On July Kyoto will have biggest masturi which is called Gion matsuri. Japanese people wear YUKATA and go out for Matsuri I can feel this is real japan when this Matsuri season come every year.