You might have been Yuka if you have visited Kyoto during summer time. Yuka means floor in Japanese. We call river side dining platform in Kyoto "YUKA". Yuka is set up along the Kamo river during summer summer time.
Surprisingly first yuka appeared about 400 years ago. The beginning was nothing more than public wooden benches placed riverside. Then, wealthy people set up the bench and table along the river to entertain important visitors. After that, food stalls started opening along the riverbank.
Today more than 80 restaurants set it up and and it becomes very popular attractions in Kyoto.
I went to yuka first time lately. It was interesting! You can have dinner in the breez.

Food was delicious. I had kaiseki dish which is kyoto's traditional meal. This photo below is kind of antipasto. You can also have French, Italian, Korean... several kinds of food at Yuka.

Why don't you trying yuka another time?